Frenchton on Motorcycle

The Best Pet Owner’s Guide to the Frenchton

The Frenchton is a fairly new, cuddly designer breed that’s growing in popularity in the United States. This adorable breed is a perfect mix of the French Bulldog and the Boston Terrier. Frenchtons are great family pets. They can live a long life if kept healthy and their small size makes them easy to care…

Swedish Lapphund Snow

The Swedish Lapphund Dog Breed

During ancient times the Swedish Lapphund roamed the frigid arctic circle helping their families herd reindeer. It’s a super hardy breed that forms strong bonds with their owners! They were treated as a part of the family. They provided a great service as herding and protection dogs. The Swedish Lapphund History The swedish Lapphund is…

Lancashire Heeler on Grass

The Lancashire Heeler Dog Breed

Did you know the Lancashire Heeler can actually smile at you!? If that doesn’t top it off they are compact, happy, and intelligent. Even though this is a compact dog apartment living may not be the best for this dog. It has a lot of energy and can be vocal. The Lancashire Heeler History Historians…

Spanish Mastiff Tan

The Spanish Mastiff Dog Breed

The Spanish Mastiff lived a good life. It was cherished by it’s owners and loved by all during the herding seasons. They saunter along side the herd as they move over the terrain. At the next site of a wolf they bellow out and give chase. This dog’s breeding makes it a great guard dog…

kromfohrländer laying front view

The Kromfohrländer Dog Breed

As the tanks rolled along, this scruffy terrier was allowed to ride on top. Troops walked along side the tanks as they all moved along the terrain. On the side of one of these tanks rode this loved Mascot. Soldiers pet, fed, and loved this dog as they walked along. This dog gave soldiers a…

Blue Eurasier and Puppy

The Eurasier Dog Breed

The Eurasier is a medium-sized Spitz. This dog was developed over the last 50 years in Germany. This dog is a happy, gentle dog that is very loyal to it’s family. It loves getting attention and fits well into families! These dogs are very intelligent and attentive. Owners describe this dog as being able to…

Irish Red and White Setter Posing

The Irish Red and White Setter Dog Breed

As the Irish Red and White Setter bounds through the woods with a hunter close behind it can smell the familiar scent of game birds. Finally it slowly picks up a scent from a nearby bush and instinctively points at it as the hunter creeps up behind. The dog creeps forward until the bird breaks…

Russian Toy Terriers

The Russian Toy Dog Breed

Russian Toys, also called Russkiy Toys, are toy-sized dogs. This is a very unique looking breed. It is one of the smallest breeds in the world, and it can be either long haired or smooth-haired. Breeders created this dog for Russian nobility at one point in time! The Russian Toy History The Russian Toy Terrier…

Turnjak standing on grass

The Tornjak Dog Breed

The Tornjak sat in silence as it watched the the flock. The Shepherd was fast asleep in his hut. It was up to this dog now. With every breath a puff of steam came out of it’s nostrils. It was cold and dark on this Croatian night. Suddenly a scent in the air brings this…

The Norwegian Lundehund Dog Breed

A breed which traces its origin in Norway, the Norwegian Lundehund derives its name from the Norwegian word “lunde” which means “puffin” due to the fact that it was primarily used for hunting puffins and “hund” which means dog. The Norwegian Lundehund is a breed of spitz. Breeders created Spitz for hunting. They are characterized…