The Hardworking Llewellin Setter

The Llewellin Setter The Llewellin Setter is a specific strain from the English Setter dog breed. This strain is a mixture of Duke-Rhoebe-Laverack, and eventually crossed with Armstrong’s dog, Kate. The Llewellyn Setter was granted separate recognition in 1901 by The American Field‘s Field Dog Stud Book. This breed is considered to be different from…

11 low energy dog breeds

11 Low-Energy Dog Breeds

You want a dog. Friendly, furry, happily running around, but also slobbering, shedding, chewing, barking, and running around…. so much running around. You want a dog, but are concerned it might be hectic. Or maybe you are hesitantly agreeing to a family member’s enthusiastic desires and are almost terrified of endless walks in a vain…